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Common problems and solutions

Questions or issues that you may encounter when working with ArcGIS Notebook Server are listed, and solutions are suggested. If you don't find the problem you're looking for, you can also search for articles on the Esri Support center website.


Access notebooks


When loading the Docker container image I received from My Esri, it fails with the note no space left on device.

Docker uses the /var drive to load container images. Ensure that the/var drive has at least 50 GB of space when installing ArcGIS Notebook Server, or move the local registry for Docker to another location with adequate space.

When I try to open a notebook, I get this error: Unable to load.

The SSL certificate configured with the ArcGIS Notebook Server site Web Adaptor is not trusted by your web browser. Ensure that you have a CA-signed certificate configured and HTTPS is enabled on your site.

If you're using a self-signed certificate in a development or staging environment, open the URL of your ArcGIS Notebook Server Administrator Directory and add an exception in your web browser to trust the self-signed certificate.

When I try to open a notebook, I get this error: Error opening notebook. Unable to connect to the Docker environment on the notebook server. Please make sure that the notebook server prerequisites to run Docker have been met.

One or more of the prerequisite settings that allow the Docker Engine component to work with ArcGIS Notebook Server have not been configured. Refer to the following topics in the installation guide for more information:

When you verify that all necessary settings have been configured, run the following in a command prompt to confirm that Docker is running on your ArcGIS Notebook Server machine:

docker version
docker run hello-world

When I run a notebook cell with Python code that uses an ArcGIS Enterprise portal item, the request times out. This happens whenever I run a cell that contains a remote URL.

The network being used by the Docker containers running in your site is conflicting with your ArcGIS Enterprise network, which blocks the Python code from connecting to the network. Refer to the Docker documentation on configuring networking. When you've configured your network for Docker, run your notebooks again.